Welcome to our nano piece of paradise!
This is essentially a creative photo blog plus few words. It is about Sandra and Denny's gardens and surrounds. My granddaughter Adelyn calls me "Poppop", hence the blog name. We try to add new images once a week. Older posts are archived at page bottom. Click an image to enlarge. We're having fun. Please! Enjoy!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Farewell to our august summer!

Summer fades slowly, until one day it feels like fall. We have had some of those fall-feeling days, but that's not a bad thing. Fall is good too. (It's that long winter that takes more of our resolve!) Enough musings. On with the last summer show!

lots of beans and lots of toms
gazpacho! mmmmmmm!
mmmmmmmmm BEER! (hops)
baby hair (gourd)

lots o corn

...just one more sunflower...can't stop!
...yes. The giant pumpkin(s) are coming soon! (I'll try hard to make it look even BIGGER!)
Eva's Hibiscus (They're about a foot across!)

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